Sunday, March 2, 2008

March Happiness

Hello Everyone!
ok, so I know no body has read my blog yet, but I could get surprised! ; )
Anyway, I hope every one is well, I just wanted to say thst this month is pretty emotionally big for me. My sister, who is two years older than me, is moving across the country next week. She is going with another of my older sisters, the oldest in fact, and our older brother. This will be quite a significant change for my younger sister and I! we will be the only girls and young people in the house! I will definitely miss her tons. Also, I am going to visit Franciscan University in Ohio this month, the weekend of Mercy Sunday. I will be in Ohio that weekend any way because of Holy Love Ministry, so my dad asked if I wanted to visit the college then(since we'ld be nearby)
And the week before that, another of my sisters will be visiting from California with her boyfriend!
Busy Busy Busy... Pray for Me!!! : )


Liz said...

Changes all over the place for you and for us! We'll miss Judy and be praying that this is a good move for her. I'm just glad that you and Brigid aren't going anywhere too soon...

Speaking of writing...I do believe you owe your letter teacher a book report or two. I need to crank up the composition end of this class if we're thinking about getting you ready for Steubenville.

Benedict Girl said...

lol, yeah, I've been telling her, "Am i the only one in this whole class that writes my book reports anymore?!" of cource i am... but there u go! good job Cath!

Read Moonstone said...

i know i