Hello Everyone! So just today, May 3rd, I went to the movies and guess what Movie I saw....."...well you never will so i'll tell you!" (Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice)Ben Stein's "Expelled; No Intelligence Allowed". It was a very interesting movie to say the least. I thought he was very convincing in almost everything he said. Actually I can't really think of anything I disagree with him about (besides specific religious views I am sure, though it didn't really go into that.) It was a documantery about "Intelligent Designers vs. Darwinists". It was presented from the perspective of those in any teaching or Scientific position who have been persecuted for mentioning "Intelligent Disign" or even the posibility that it could be a theory for the origins of human kind, or life forms of any kind for that matter. I think everyone should take a look at it, and leave a comment on my blog ; )
Here is a link to a youtube version of a movie trailer about it. Check it out!!